Database ID: 4315

    Drejbygaards Håkon
    Sire: Futtrups Las
    Dam: Anka
    Reg#: DK11062/2008
    Show Results: G.JK - VG.JK Plac.1 - VG.MK Plac.1
    Exc.MK Plac.1 2.BHK R.CACIB
    VG.ÅK Plac.1 - Exc.ÅK Plac.1 2.BHK
    Exc.ÅK Plac.1 2.BHK R.CACIB
    Sex: male
    Date of Birth: 16 MAY 2008
    Color: Brun m. hvide aftegninger
    Land of Birth: Denmark
    Height: 64 cm M

    Breeder & Owner


    Pedigree Analysis

    Last updated Wednesday 01 February 2023 22:13 CET

    I have 🍪s