Database ID: 1106

    Sire: Benno v. d. Sorge
    Dam: Fleur
    Reg#: 35053/82
    Show Results: 2.UK - 1.AK CK BIR - 1.AK 2.ÅKK CK 4.BIR - 1.AK 2.ÅKK
    1.AK 2.ÅKK CK 2.BIR - 1.AK 2.ÅKK - 1.AK 3.ÅKK CK
    Sex: male
    Date of Birth: 1 NOV 1982
    Color: Brun
    Land of Birth: Denmark
    Height: 66 cm M

    Hips: B1

    MARK: ÅK

    Last updated Wednesday 01 February 2023 22:13 CET

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