Pedigree Analysis


    Coefficients of Kinship, Relationship and Inbreeding 5 Generations - Gauner v. Stockey
    This page shows the inbreeding calculations for the dog you selected or the "Test Mating" you have entered. The calculations on this page are accurate to the point that they can only be made based upon the information in the database. For more detailed calculations please make sure that as many ancestors as possible are entered to the database.

    COI Calculation - Gauner v. Stockey
    COI 5 gen: 0.000%    too low to be reliabe    Calculate COI again

    Please do the new calculation only if you have entered new ancestors of this dog!

    COI Calculation - Sire Alex v. Bannwald and Dam Evita v. Stockey
    Sire: COI 5 gen: 0.195%    too low to be reliabe    Calculate COI again

    Dam: COI 5 gen: 0.781%    too low to be reliabe    Calculate COI again

    Ancestor-Loss coefficient (ALC)
    This method doesn't replace the calculation of the COI but also gives important information for the breeder. Ancestor-Loss is given when the same ancestor appears more than once in the pedigree of the dog. A 5-generations-pedigree shows 62 possible ancestors. If one of this 62 possible ancestors appears twice, the dog in question has indeed only 61 different ancestors. If 3 ancestors appear twice, this dog has indeed only 59 different ancestors. The ALC is calculated out of the nr. of the ancestors and the total nr. of possible ancestors.

    # of dogs
    Ancestors in 5 Generations (max. 62)58
    Ancestor Loss4
    Ancestor Loss in %93.55 %

    Contributing Ancestors
    AncestorBlood %# of appearances12345
    Alex v. Bannwald50.00011
    Evita v. Stockey50.00011
    Branca v. d. Biberquelle25.00011
    Asco Westerode25.00011
    Chica v. d. Hafkesdell25.00011
    Solojäger's Harras25.00011
    Solojäger's Distel12.50011
    Becas v. Lönsstein12.50011
    Zick v. Sämmenhof12.50011
    Dina Chamavia12.50011
    Nimrod's Birko12.50011
    Amber De Wynen12.50011
    Afra v. d. Bohlsener Mühle12.50011
    Alf v. Siegbogen12.50011
    Hektor v. d. Lindenhöhe9.370211
    Harro v. Lossetal9.370211
    Cita v. Winterberg9.370211
    Cent v. Hofried6.25011
    Uta Chamavia6.25011
    Josi v. Königsfeld6.25011
    Vroni v. Sämmenhof6.25011
    Baldur v. Lönsstein6.25011
    Bautz v. Mönchsbrunnen6.25011
    Carmen v. d. Nordmannstannen6.25011
    Edda v. Jurawald6.25011
    Lyra v. d. Königseiche6.25011
    Priska De Wynen6.25011
    Cliff v. Linduri6.25011
    Erko v. Jahnplatz6.25011
    Alf v. Rauhen Ebrach Tal6.25011
    Etzel v. Nörderkamp6.24022
    Lasko v. Holmesborn3.12011
    Cäsar v. d. Zirkelquelle3.12011
    Anka v. d. Zirkelquelle3.12011
    Ute v. Lönsstein3.12011
    Zita v. Lönsstein3.12011
    Jenny v. Römersee3.12011
    Fasko v. Reutherspfad3.12011
    Britta v. Lossetal3.12011
    Astor v. Hofried3.12011
    Uhl v. Lönsstein3.12011
    Anja v. Taubertal3.12011
    Utz v. Lönsstein3.12011
    Gundi v. d. Königseiche3.12011
    Franka De Wynen3.12011
    Freya v. Sämmenhof3.12011
    Moritz v. Sämmenhof3.12011
    Lord v. Reinufer3.12011
    Eiko Vun'N Wischhoff3.12011
    Wido v. Schwege3.12011
    Bill v. Bessingslust3.12011
    Asta v. Hofried3.12011
    Dunja v. d. Krausen Eiche3.12011
    Esko Vun'N Wischhoff3.12011
    Drossel v. d. Grassel3.12011
    Xandra v. Lönsstein3.12011
    Hella v. Sämmenhof3.12011
    Grandel v. d. Lindenhöhe3.12011

    Last updated Wednesday 23 November 2022 20:32 CET

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